
PMA welcomes all members who value and support Montessori education in the state of Pennsylvania. Our members include trained Montessori teachers, interns, assistant teachers, specialists, school administrators, support staff, parents and community members. PMA provides a place for members to share ideas, compare practices and philosophy, and in the process, to enliven and enrich Montessori schools throughout the state. By establishing a broad communication network in Pennsylvania, PMA can also represent the voice of Montessori to the public and to governmental organizations. Members may be actively engaged in PMA activities or may choose to express support through a commitment to membership. We encourage all levels of participation.

How Can You Help?

This is your organization and we welcome your suggestions, your ideas, and your experience. Please let us know if you are available to help with any of the following tasks:

  • Events: Coordinating speakers, locations, registrations, and food
  • Marketing and Membership: Processing registrations and outreach to new members through networking opportunities and social media; maintain PMA website
  • Advocacy and Policy: Monitoring and interpreting current and proposed state regulations that affect Montessori practice.
  • Public/Private Coalition: Promoting relationships between the two sectors
  • Aligning the Montessori curriculum with PA Common Core Standards
  • Donations

If you’d like to become involved, contact PMA here.

Join Us

Membership Fees

  • School with fewer than 50 students = $50
  • 51-100 students = $75
  • 100 students or more $100
  • 150+ students = $150
  • Individuals from a member school $10
  • Individuals from a non-member school $15


  • Peace of mind knowing that PMA is spearheading advocacy work in Pennsylvania
  • Invitations to professional development workshops and conferences, meetings and social events
  • Email alerts about advocacy developments at the state level
  • An opportunity to participate in surveys and committees and calls to action
  • Post free employment opportunities

Your membership  – as a school, or as an individual – will directly benefit Montessori children all across the Commonwealth of PA as we stand together with a unified voice –  representing children, teachers, schools, and families – as we advocate for favorable policies which support the highest quality of authentic Montessori practice in our state.

The entire Montessori community in Pennsylvania needs this unified support through your membership. Please join us!

Join Now

  • (e.g. teacher, principal, director, etc.)
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.